
ZUMBA Program is a Latin - inspired, dance- fitness class that incorporates Latin and international music and dance movements, creating dynamic, exciting, exhilarating and effective fitness program. Benefits of Zumba Fitness:-

  • It burns 500 to 800 calories per session.
  • It tones your body.
  • It increases stamina/strength

Bokwa Bollyfit

Bokwa is a cardio-licious blend of hip-hop and step aerobics that taps into South African-style dance. Confused? Don’t be - the dance steps are actually based on letters and numbers, not choreography. The movements are in the shape of English-language letters, for example L, J, and C. Once dancers have the steps down, they can jazz it up with extra shimmies, hip bumps, or other freestylin’ moves. The program’s beauty is its simplicity. Because each move is pretty basic, dancers can get as fancy (or high-energy) as they want or keep it basic (and low-impact).


Aerobics is a form of physical exercise that combines rhythmic aerobic exercise with stretching and strength training routines with the goal of improving all elements of fitness (flexibility, muscular strength, and cardio-vascular fitness). It is usually performed to music and may be practiced in a group setting led by an instructor (fitness professional), although it can be done solo and without musical accompaniment.

Weight Training

Weight training is a common type of strength training for developing the strength and size of skeletal muscles. It utilizes the force of gravity in the form of weighted bars, dumbbells or weight stacks in order to oppose the force generated by muscle through concentric or eccentric contraction. Weight training uses a variety of specialized equipment to target specific muscle groups and types of movement.

Circuit Training

Circuit training is a form of body conditioning or resistance training using high-intensity aerobics. It targets strength building or muscular endurance. An exercise "circuit" is one completion of all prescribed exercises in the program. When one circuit is complete, one begins the first exercise again for the next circuit. Traditionally, the time between exercises in circuit training is short, often with rapid movement to the next exercise.

Cross Fit

CrossFit workouts incorporate elements from high-intensity interval training, Olympic weightlifting, plyometrics, powerlifting, gymnastics, girevoy sport, calisthenics, strongman, and other exercises.

Power Yoga

Power Yoga focuses on a fitness based Vinyasa styling. This encompasses the benefits of both Ashtanga and Vinyasa, including the building of internal heat, increase of stamina and flexibility, as well as reducing your body’s stress. This class is more personalized by teachers, for they will design their own sequence of postures. Students use this time to synchronize their breathing and movements.


Tabata training is a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workout, featuring exercises that last four minutes. Classic Tabata exercises · Burpee · Push-up · Lunge · Kettlebell swing · Dumbbell squat (or another squat variation of your choice) · Sprints · Rowing. Tabata improves athletic performance and glucose metabolism and acts as an excellent catalyst for fat burning.


Pilates is a method of exercise that consists of low-impact flexibility and muscular strength and endurance movements. Pilates emphasizes proper postural alignment, core strength and muscle balance. Pilates is named for its creator, Joseph Pilates, who developed the exercises in the 1920s.